
There is Life After Recovery: Some Reflections from Living with Chronic Dis-ease

The stories I’ve heard from others dealing with this, similar conditions, or other chronic illnesses have broken my heart yet inspired me to continue to use my platform and my voice to advocate for myself, others like me, and the necessity of rest and equitable healthcare.

There is Life After Recovery: Some Reflections from Living with Chronic Dis-ease

Pimpin Aint Easy, But My Mackin Aint Lackin Tho

From a very early age I’ve been fascinated by street culture, specifically the world of selling drugs and sex. Playas, Macks, Gangstas, Dancers, Tricks, and Pros…they all seemed to call to me. Whether on the screen or in real life, I was impressed with how they were able to make impossible circumstances work for them.

Pimpin Aint Easy, But My Mackin Aint Lackin Tho